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Improved Health Begins with The Sugar Reset


It reduces weight.


Reduced Anxiety Feel greater calm and ease in everyday life.


Reduced Anxiety Feel greater calm and ease in everyday life.


It can block glycation reactions, inhibit AGEs and prevent insulin blockade

What can excessive sugar intake lead to?

• Lead to obesity: high in calories and not easy to feel full, it is easy to cause excessive calorie intake, causing weight gain and obesity.
• Cause skin problems such as acne, premature aging and wrinkles.
• Cause inflammation and atherosclerosis, increase the risk of heart disease and stroke.
• Affect sexual health, reduce libido and even cause impotence.
• Destroy intestinal microbiota, which may cause intestinal leakage and autoimmune diseases.
• Promote ectopic fat formation, leading to insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes.
• Form glycation products, shortening the life of organs.
• Provide nutrition for cancer cells and promote cancer growth.
• Cause complications of diabetes: high blood sugar can lead to heart disease, kidney failure, stroke, gangrene, blindness, Alzheimer's disease, depression and many other serious problems.


Your New Cravings Defense.

Sugar. Is. Everywhere. So much so, it can feel overwhelming when managing your nutritional habits. It's time to take back control and we're here to help you build healthier, more sustainable habits. Let's start changing the way sugar impacts our bodies and mind, together.

The science

Glycation in the field of skin refers to the skin's slow metabolism, resulting in excess sugar travelling through the blood vessels throughout the day. Excess sugar then attaches itself to collagen, causing collagen to break or become disorganised, and the skin becomes dry, rough and dull with wrinkles, pores and blackheads appearing. Anti-Sugar Pill is to remove metabolically glycated substances from the root, improve cell metabolism, and most importantly, inhibit or remove AGEs.

Weight Benefits of Anti-Sugar Pills

Anti-Sugar Pills inhibit the ability of alpha-amylase. Amylase, as the name suggests, is the enzyme that helps the body digest and absorb starch.

-Ability to inhibit alpha-amylase.
-Blocks the breakdown of starch
-reduces glucose absorption, which serves to lower postprandial blood sugar elevation.
-reduces insulin secretion.
-Reduces fat synthesis, etc. It can effectively cooperate with the dietary treatment of diabetics and dieters, so that they can eat full meals and eliminate hunger, while postprandial blood glucose is not high and weight is not gained.

The main effects of antiglycaemic drugs in diabetic patients:

Promote insulin secretion: induce the pancreas to make and release more insulin to regulate blood sugar levels.

Inhibit hepatic glucose output: Limit the liver's ability to make and release sugar, reducing the source of blood sugar.

Delaying carbohydrate absorption: blocking the action of enzymes that break down carbohydrates in the intestines, slowing down the rate of carbohydrate absorption by the cells and slowing down the rise in blood sugar.

Enhance insulin sensitivity: Increase the sensitivity of cells to insulin, so that insulin can better play its role in lowering sugar.

Promote renal sugar excretion: Limit the ability of the kidneys to take up sugar and increase the amount of sugar excreted from the body in urine.

 Slows gastric emptying: slows down the passage of food through the stomach, indirectly affecting blood sugar fluctuations and the amount of food eaten.

Prevent sugar from being absorbed by the body

Prolong organ lifespan

Control weight

Reduce visceral fat

Improve skin

Can you beat sugar cravings with an anti-sugar pill?

Technically, yes. Studies show that pills made from Gymnema sylvestre can reduce the sweetness and taste of foods. Pills that curb sugar cravings could be a useful tool for people with diabetes and those who want to lose weight.

“There is evidence that changing perceptions of sweet foods can make people eat less, at least in the short term,” Yule says. “If done over the long term, reducing calorie intake can, at least in theory, lead to weight loss.”

Making Your Health A Priority.

WITH The Sugar Reset


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how do the the sugar reset work?

Our The Sugar Reset uses botanical ingredients - Gymnema sylvestre and Inulin. When you swallow the capsule, it suppresses the sweet taste in sugary snacks and drinks, reducing your desire to consume them.

how long does the sugar reset last?

The effects of one The Sugar Reset can last up to 24 hours. Just long enough for that craving to pass.

what is gymnema sylvestre?

Used for centuries and referred to by some Eastern cultures as the “sugar destroyer”, Gymnema is an herb traditionally known for its amazing ability to suppress the taste of sweetness in sugary foods and beverages.

Are Sugar Craving Pills Safe?

Sugar addiction pills made with gymnema should not be taken with certain medications without a doctor's approval, and people who are pregnant or breastfeeding should also avoid taking these pills due to limited safety information.