• Lead to obesity: high in calories and not easy to feel full, it is easy to cause excessive calorie intake, causing weight gain and obesity.
• Cause skin problems such as acne, premature aging and wrinkles.
• Cause inflammation and atherosclerosis, increase the risk of heart disease and stroke.
• Affect sexual health, reduce libido and even cause impotence.
• Destroy intestinal microbiota, which may cause intestinal leakage and autoimmune diseases.
• Promote ectopic fat formation, leading to insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes.
• Form glycation products, shortening the life of organs.
• Provide nutrition for cancer cells and promote cancer growth.
• Cause complications of diabetes: high blood sugar can lead to heart disease, kidney failure, stroke, gangrene, blindness, Alzheimer's disease, depression and many other serious problems.