Super Strength Oregano

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Oregano oil, also known as oregano oil or oregano extract, is extracted from various parts of the oregano plant. This oil may have properties such as treating infections and improving intestinal health. The efficacy of oregano oil is based on its antioxidant, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.

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What is oregano oil?

Oregano oil is the most potent natural anti-inflammatory and antibacterial agent ever discovered by mankind. It is extracted from the wild plant oregano, which grows mostly in the Mediterranean region of Greece and Portugal, and is the number one herbal remedy of the Greeks. Hippocrates, the father of world medicine, stated that oregano oil has antiseptic and antibacterial properties, relieving gastrointestinal discomfort and respiratory problems. As early as the Middle Ages, oil of oregano was used as an antiseptic, and was also used to preserve food.

What is Oregano?

Oregano, also known as Yunnan Elsholtzia, is called "Oregon", "Pizza Grass" or "Wild Marjoram" in European languages. It is a plant in the genus Origanum of the Lamiaceae family. Oregano and marjoram belong to the same genus Origanum and are close relatives. The latter is also called "sweet oregano" in the Middle East.

Proven antifungal properties

Oregano may help treat fungal infections. A test-tube study published in 2022 found that oregano essential oil was effective against the yeast Candida albicans. When Candida grows unchecked, it can cause thrush and yeast infections. In severe cases, Candida may cause infections of the blood, heart, brain, or kidneys. Candida overgrowth may also make inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) worse. A study published in 2020 showed that a topical antifungal containing oregano improved fungal nail infections in 20 people. This antifungal contains several other ingredients, so it's hard to know if oregano oil alone would have the same effect.

The Science


Experiments have shown that injecting 50mg/kg of carvacrol (the main chemical component of oregano oil) into the abdomen can reduce pain by 1-3%. Oral administration of 50mg/kg of carvacrol has similar results.


In vitro studies have shown that carvacrol (the main chemical component of oregano essential oil) can inhibit the inflammatory factor COX-2 and thus fight inflammation.


In vitro studies have shown that oregano essential oil has strong antimicrobial properties against Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria, as well as drug-resistant strains. We have also found that carvacrol or thymol can disrupt the cell membranes of bacteria and kill them. 


Oral administration of 60mg/kg of carvacrol (the main chemical component of oregano essential oil) may protect the liver from chemical-induced oxidative damage, according to experiments.

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

Experimentally, guinea pigs fed 120 mcg/mL of carvacrol (the main chemical constituent of oregano essential oil) in water reduced lung swelling in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

Gastrointestinal Health

A human clinical trial (sample size = 13) showed that consuming 800 mg of oregano oil three times a day for six weeks improved gastrointestinal discomfort caused by pathogenic bacteria.

For Easy Days & Restful Nights

Take your oregano oil consistently everyday for maximum results!

Wake Up & Take Oregano Oil

Light Stretching & Breakfast

Deep Work

Hike and picnic

Dinner with friends

Meditate & Take Super Strength Oregano Oil

Get to Bed

Oregano oil main effects


The Treatment Of Colds, Influenza, Respiratory Tract Infections, Mucositis Has A Relieving Effect.


Can Reduce Asthma And Cough Symptoms, Chronic Bronchitis And Effective.


Against Anti-Virus (Skin Infections / Trauma), Tuberculosis And Plague.


Anti-Inflammatory And Antiseptic, Pneumonia.


Natural Analgesic, Can Reduce Pain And Toothache, Chronic Rheumatism, Improve Muscle Pain.


To Fungal Infections, Parasites, Ringworm, Grey Nails, Warts, Calluses.


Cleansing The Blood, Balanced Metabolism.

Oregano oil main effects

Oregano Oil Tips:

Foot fungus, grey nails, athlete's foot: 1-2 drops of oregano diluted and applied to the affected area, between the toes, 2 times a day; 2 drops in warm water to soak the feet.

Warts, corns: 2 drops of oregano diluted and applied to the affected area 2 times a day.

Wound inflammation, fungal infections: depending on the size of the affected area, dilute a few drops and apply to the affected area, 2 times a day.

Colds: 1 drop of oregano in water to gargle and swallow; 1 drop diluted and applied to the throat, chest and back of the neck; 1 drop of oregano incense to inhale and smell. 

Daily cleaning: 2 drops of oregano in a water basin, do cleaning and hygiene, cockroaches, parasites, mosquitoes, etc. will not appear in the home. 

Super Strength Oregano


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